1. Introduction
2. Polymeric materials used in AM industry
3. Drug delivery
4. Automotive industry
5. Fashion and fabric industry
6. Impact of using polymeric materials
7. Conclusion
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Declaration of Competing Interest
Polymers are the greatest innovation of the millennium. Due to their low price, ease of manufacture, resistance to water and versatility, polymers have several applications in different domestic and industrial sectors. Digital fabrication technology which is also referred to as 3D printing or additive Manufacturing (AM) is used for creating physical components from a geometrical representation by step-by-step addition of materials. This review paper elaborates on the use of polymers for Rapid Manufacturing. One such material used is Shape Memory Polymers that have been analyzed as Smart Materials (4D Printing Materials). Polymers such as Thermoplastics, elastomers, thermosets, and polymers with integrated fillers, bio-polymers, and polymers blended with biological materials come under the range of other polymeric materials used in AM. The quality evaluations that are performed are based on mechanical properties, part density and temperature stability. Polycarbonates (PC), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polyether-ester ketone (PEEK), polyetherimide (ULTEM) and Nylon are usually utilized polymers in measures which need thermoplastics, or plastics treated by warming to a semi-fluid state and near the softening point.
1. Introduction
Additive manufacturing (AM) is basically 3D printing. Rather than simply using conventional machining techniques which include wastage of materials by removing unwanted fragments, additive manufacturing causes fusion of materials to bind them and create objects. It is comparatively a flexible technology that subtractive manufacturing. Since technology is advancing day by day, new materials are being created to have the right properties that can be applied to the right functions. This review paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of polymeric materials that had been produced and used by the AM industry and the impact on the market of AM. Since several kinds of polymeric materials are available, the manufacturer of the product would prefer the polymer with the optimum conditions for the required purpose. Mechanical properties for example, optimum strength for manufacturing and prototyping is required.
High elasticity is required for garment industry. A high thermal resistivity is required for insulation. Use of light weight polymers are for aerospace applications. Greater amount of ductility is required for wiring and circuitries. Increased toughness is required for supporting materials. An optimum melting point is essential for temperature-dependent environmental factors that are experienced by the polymeric substance used. A proper amount of flexibility is required for better portability of the material. A property called Shape memory has been exhibited by certain polymeric materials which have been discussed in this review which can be used for bridge structures and heat exchangers. Degradability of a material for an allocated period of time is required for the extended use of the material considering fatigue strength of the material. Chemical resistance is an important factor needed for manufacturing of apparatus in chemical industries