2-The FIRST experimental device
3-The experimental results [14]
4-Interpretation of the experimental results
5-Specification of the new device FABIME2E
6-The NEW experimental device: FABIME2E
7-Technical specifications
8-First tests campaign (with high pressure and ambient temperature)
The lifetime extension of the nuclear power stations is considered as an energy challenge worldwide. That is why, the risk analysis and the study of various effects of different factors that could potentially represent a hazard to a safe long term operation are necessary. These structures, often of great dimensions, are subjected during their life to complex loading combining varying mechanical loads, multiaxial, with non-zero mean values associated with temperature fluctuations and also PWR environment. Historically, the methodology for fatigue dimensions of the Pressurized Water Reactor components (PWR) (ASME, RCC-M, KTA, …) is based on the use of design curves established from tests carried out in air at 20°C on smooth specimens by integrating safety coefficients that cover, among other parameters, the dispersion of tests associated with the effects of structures. Based on more recent fatigue data (including tests at 300°C in air and PWR environment, etc…), some international codes (RCC-M, ASME and others) have proposed and suggested a modification of the austenitic stainless steels fatigue curve combined with a calculation of an environmental penalty factor, namely Fen, which has to be multiplied by the usual fatigue usage factor. The aim of this paper is to present a new device “FABIME2E” developed in the LISN in collaboration with EDF and AREVA. These new tests allow quantifying accurately the effect of PWR environment on semi-structure specimen. This new device combines the structural effect like equi-biaxiality and mean strain and the environmental penalty effect with the use of PWR environment during the fatigue tests.
The question of assessing the margins and safety factors in the fatigue analyses which are widely used today (ASME BPV III, RCC-M, JSME, EN-13445-3, etc… [۱] [۲] [۳] [۴]) is a very challenging one. The fatigue rules used today in the nuclear industry were initially built and integrated into the ASME code in the 1960’s. Establishing fatigue rules is a challenge in itself since fatigue degradation depends on the wear of components which undergo repeated cycling: fatigue tests can therefore be very long and costly, if led on full-size components. As a result, the testing is in practice conducted on small laboratory specimens, which then triggers the question of how to extrapolate results to a full size component. Another difficulty is that the rules need to remain easy to apply in order to be applied for industrial engineering calculations. Since 2007, the USA with the NUREG/CR-6909 [1], have now included the evaluation of environmental effects in their official regulation. Indeed, on the curves presented in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the PWR water environment effect on the fatigue lifetime of material used in the manufacture of reactor components are illustrated.