7-1- Non-Power Applications
7-2- Scientific Applications
7-3- Medical and Biological Applications
7-4- Industrial Applications
7-5- Food Processing and Agriculture
Non-power applications of nuclear energy are briefly reviewed. Scientific applications are noted such as dating geological formations, minerals and historical artefacts, and radionuclide labelling to study biological, chemical and physical processes. Medical applications are considered with unsealed and sealed sources of radiation used both in therapy and diagnosis. Utilisation of nuclear energy is described in various industrial applications and food processing.
Nuclear energy is an important source of CO2-free baseload electricity providing an excellent alliance with renewables which need underpinning baseload for when the wind does not blow or the sun shine. However, nuclear applications are not just limited to power generation. The nonpower uses of nuclear energy include many useful applications in science, medicine, industry, food preservation and agriculture. Applications use either radiations such as in accelerators and gamma irradiators or a combination of chemical properties and radiations emitted by radionuclides such as in radioactive tracers and radiopharmaceuticals (Tsoulfanidis, 2018). During the use of nuclear energy radioactive waste can be generated, which must be managed with particular care owing to its inherent radiological, biological, chemical and physical hazards. Producers and users of radioactive materials must be sure that a waste management strategy exists prior to the start of waste generation (IAEA, 2017a).