Document Sections
I. Overview of the Framework
II. Background Works
III. Proposed Framework
IV. Consensus Algorithm and Flowchart of Proposed Framework
V. Results and Discussion
VI. Conclusion
This manuscript describes since the resources are heterogeneous, a smart city is vulnerable to several security attacks, and to devise an effective response, it is necessary to recognize certain risks and their potential implications. The framework is responsible for the data transfer security issues in the smart city to incorporate and maintain physical, social, and industrial systems to provide high-quality secure data transmission to its residents. The proposed method of integrating the Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) with a consensus algorithm framework (BCIoT-CAF) to overcome the issues and secure data sharing in smart cities. The data security is enforced by splitting the blockchain network into separate networks, with any channel consisting of a limited number of approved entities, the data stored in the cloud gate server, and analysis of data achieved by IoT applications. The consensus algorithm plays an important role in retaining the blockchain's speed, protection, and performance. Using an appropriate security algorithm, blockchain applications may greatly improve their performance. The modeling simulation of this research improves the speed, protection, and efficiency of 96% and tolerance error as 55%. The integrated evaluation results suggest that the proposed system integrates blockchain with IoT to provide a shielded communication platform in smart cities.
I Overview of the Framework
Blockchain used to share the data information securely and avoid any other fraudulent data threats[1]. IoT system implementations can be challenging and a transmitting ledger ideal for defining, authenticating, and protected data securely from IoT devices [2],[3]. Blockchain and IoT are two innovations rising in importance since they started. IoT can affect nearly ordinary things shortly. In the increased use of this tool, the risk of violence decreases [4]. To cope with this, existing techniques are not adequate. Blockchain has proven to be an innovative approach to IoT security problems and is a distributed network that relies on a consensus algorithm, ensuring agreement between distributed nodes on the status of some data [5],[6]. The central factor of the consensus algorithm that specifically defines a program operates and its output [7]. Blockchain technology attracting more coverage, revolutionize, automate the digital network of internet-based technologies [8]. This is a shared database that tracks each transaction that takes place on a network[9],[10]. It has a block spread over a node network. The consensus algorithm is a mechanism in which all the blockchain system peers decide on the existing state of the decentralized directory [11]. This ensures that consensus algorithms build stability in the blockchain network and confidence in the distributed computing system among unidentified peers [12]. The consensus protocol guarantees that a new block stored on the blockchain is the valid iteration accepted by all of the blockchain peers [13], [14].