1-Factor Selection
2-Orthogonal test
3-Significant influence factor analysis
4-Case Verification
In this paper, pedestrian traffic accidents on the intersection are analyzed. The six parameters of the engine hood leading edge height to ground, engine hood trailing edge to the ground, pedestrian’ s height, pedestrian’ s weight, Vehicle collision speed, Pedestrian’s speed are taken as the analysis factors. The orthogonal test method is used to analyze the impact of these six parameters on the pedestrian-thrown distance. Furthermore, the orthogonal test is applied to the analysis of the influence of the factors to the pedestrian-thrown distance, as well as the different weight of the six factors and significant factors. Regression analysis and verification are conducted for the significant factors.
Factor Selection
Considering the convenience and accuracy of the parameters, this paper mainly takes six parameters as consideration factors, involving engine hood leading edge height to ground, engine hood trailing edge to the ground, pedestrian’ s height, pedestrian’ s weight, Vehicle collision speed, Pedestrian’s speed. Other relative factors with little impact, such as the length of the hood, the height off the ground of the lower and upper edges of the bumper and so on, take the default values of the original vehicle.