Literature review and hypotheses
Analysis and results
This study examines the impact of supplier innovativeness on supply chain integration and sustainable performance, as well as the mediation role of supply chain integration between supply chain innovativeness and sustainable performance. In addition, trust is studied as a determinant factor in supplier innovativeness. A structural equations model was developed to test the hypotheses proposed for the associations between the variables. Data were collected from a sample of hotels in Egypt. The findings indicate that trust is a key determinant of supplier innovativeness. Supplier innovativeness has a direct impact on supply chain integration and sustainable performance. However, the direct effect of supplier innovativeness on sustainable performance disappears when supply chain integration is included in the model. Specifically, customer integration and internal integration are mediating variables in the relationship between supplier innovativeness and sustainable performance. Developing trust in relationships with suppliers, constantly searching for information about customers’ needs and establishing a closer relationship with them, and increasing interdepartmental coordination will enhance the effect of supplier innovativeness on sustainable performance. This study is the first to analyze the impact of supplier innovativeness and supply chain integration on sustainable performance in the hotel sector.
Service and supply chain innovativeness is the key to hotels’ competitiveness. Firms expect their suppliers to adopt innovativeness due to their internal motivation to produce benefits for their customers (Kim and Chai, 2017). To improve their operational performance, organizations look for suppliers’ potential for innovativeness and try to harness it, in order to generate value for their own customers (Inemek and Matthyssens, 2013). However, it is not sufficient to consider the effects of supplier innovativeness; it is also important to know whether trust leads to greater supplier innovativeness. Thus, this study considers trust within the relationships between the hotel and the suppliers to be a determining factor in suppliers’ tendency to innovate. Trust is considered fundamental for the effective application and implementation of supply chain collaboration (Panayides and Lun, 2009).