1- Introduction
2- Basic Terminologies
3- Applications of Game Theory in Various fields of Computer Science
4- Comparative Study of Uses of Different Game Theoretic Models
5- Conclusion and Future Work
Game theory has found widespread use in various fields like Economics, Biology, Political Science, etc. and forms an aegis for logical decision making in these areas. In computer science, due to advancing technologies, there has been a pressing need to use game theory in various problems due to the lack of scalability of traditional solutions. There has been ongoing research in various fields of computer science like security, machine learning, cloud computing, etc. where game theoretic approaches are extensively used. In this paper, we present a review on game theoretical approaches to various fields in computer science such as privacy preservation, network security and intrusion detection and resource optimization. In the end, this paper provides a comparative study of various game models used in different applications in a tabular format.
Game Theory is described as the study of strategic interactions among rational individuals. One of the major assumptions of Game Theory is that all individuals are “rational”. This means that each individual has well-defined objectives and each individual will implement the best available strategy to achieve them. Generally, Game Theory includes:
● Identification of the players and analysing the payoff for each player.
● Using various equilibrium strategies to make descriptive or prescriptive predictions.[8][9] Thus, it can be said that Game Theory attempts at finding solutions that are in the best interests of all the players. Game Theory is used to develop strategies to maintain an equilibrium between data utility and preservation of privacy of data in Privacy Preservation. Game Theory in Network Security and Intrusion Detection is used to provide a mathematical framework of the strategies between the Network Attackers and System Defenders. The layout of the paper is as follows: Section 2 consists of the basic terminologies required to understand Game Theory and its various components. Section 3 describes the applications of Game Theory in Computer Science. This is followed by a comparative table that provides the details of the various types of Game Models used to solve different problems in Computer Science, which is present in Section 4 of the paper. Section 5 provides the conclusion of the survey.