Literature review and theoretical framework
Research approach, objectives and hypotheses
Statistical analysis
Risk management is one of the major issues faced by a company. Growth and viability are heavily dependent on effective risk management. Risk identification and management involve protecting the business and generating value for the owners, shareholders, employees, customers, regulators and society as a whole. Recently, several large companies, such as Enron, Parmalat and WorldCom, collapsed because of irregularities and fraud. These failures had a significant effect on the global economy and negative consequences for Risk disclosure in listed Greek companies 615 Received 13 March 2020 Revised 2 June 2020 Accepted 8 July 2020 Accounting Research Journal Vol. 33 No. 4/5, 2020 pp. 615-633 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1030-9616 DOI 10.1108/ARJ-03-2020-0050 The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/1030-9616.htm those directly or indirectly related to the companies. The failures were attributed to the inability of the boards of directors (boards) to accurately assess risk and potential problems. The recent financial crisis has given rise to the following question: Did companies warn investors about the dangers before the economic crisis, or was the crisis a surprise? Because of the various financial and accounting scandals, shareholders have come to question the quality of corporate reports. They believe that companies have failed to disclose and to manage risk appropriately. They have found corporate risk reporting to be inadequate for decision-making. Consequently, many investors have lost confidence in these reports. Companies’ unwillingness to disclose risk information has led to a significant risk information gap (Linsley and Shrives, 2006). To reduce risk and uncertainty, companies are under pressure to disclose more information to the market (Courtis, 2000). One approach could be to improve the disclosure of information related to risk and the activities implemented to manage it.