Overview of human resource management for supply chain management
Background study on supply chain management
Fuzzy assisted human resource management for supply chain management (F-HRM-SCM)
Conclusion and future scope
In addition, weights for criterion and links between dimensions and criteria were obtained using the Decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Both methods can be combined since they serve various goals; earlier studies proposed using three-way type-1 fuzzy sets to achieve criteria weights and linkages across dimensions and criteria. The topics of HRM and Operation Management , respectively, include human resource management (HRM) and supply chain management (SCM). Although academics in each sector continue to advance SCM and HRM’s role in developing more sustainable companies, integrating these two modern topics has been significantly delayed based on a more significant integration gap between HRM and SCM and fuzzy. The findings suggest that the educational criterion is more important than the other criteria since it is a cause and affects HRM directly. The research findings show that the suggested F-HRM-SCM technique is feasible, suggesting the educational criterion as the most persuasive factor in human resources management. Therefore, the study aims to provide the HRM-SCM connection with a synergistic and inclusive framework and suggest the research agenda for this integration. After achieving these aims, this paper highlights the consequences of fuzzy HRM-SCM integration in organizational sustainability and genuinely sustainable supply chains for academics, managers, and practitioners. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed F-HRMSCM model enhances the supply chain performance ratio of 98.9%, an efficiency ratio of 97.8%, employee satisfaction ratio of 96.7%, decision-making level by 98.2%, prediction ratio of 95.5%, and F1-score ratio of 97.4% compared to other existing approaches.Overview of human resource management for supply chain management Supply Chain Management is the progress of expansion, development, execution, and monitoring of the supply chain processes professionally utilizing Information and Technology in their stride (Khudhair et al., 2020). SCM encompasses all operations beginning with raw material procurements, storages, work-in-process inventories, and completed items, i.e., from point-of-consumption and point-of-origin, guaranteeing organizational productivity while satisfying customer demands and pleasing the customer (Manogaran et al., 2020). Human resources ethics violations can lead to a wide range of legal issues, both civil and criminal, for both the company and its employees. BBB, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and other regulatory agencies receive a higher number of complaints from victims of ethics violations in the HR department than others (such as product development or accounting). Discrimination and hostile-work-environment issues can be avoided by companies with comprehensive ethics programs in place.