1- What is my role in the platform economy?
2- What is my business model to create value from data?
3- What does that mean for my organization?
Dynamics of the platform economy in manufacturing industries have not unfolded in the same way as in the consumer industries, where platforms have build powerful monopolies through controlling the contact to customers. In manufacturing, the same winner-takes-it-all effect is not present and key competitiveness will rely on the data-driven operation of the physical world. This requires the combination of smart product with smart services and customer experiences. The paper argues that European companies have an opportunity in the B2B platform arena.
What is my role in the platform economy?
even out of the 10 most highly valued companies are based on a platform business model -five from the US and two from China (Riemensperger and Falk 2019). Most of them are B2C platforms that place themselves at the intersection of demand and supply and in doing so build powerful monopolies. But the rules of the game are much different for B2B platforms: Not all the strategies and approaches that made B2C platforms like Amazon and Alibaba successful can be applied to B2B platforms. B2B products can be very niche, esoteric, and targeted to discrete purposes, which prevent the kind of winner-take-it-all global dominance we see in the consumer world (Falk and Riemensperger 2019). Key to success are well orchestrated value creation networks, in which each partner wins. The future of the platform provider business model is still unclear as scalability and monetization remains a challenge. Interoperability will lead to more commodization (Cusumano et al. 2019).