Graphical abstract
1. Introduction
2. Method for assessment of GHG emission profiles and policies
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
The main objective of this study is to analyze and compare greenhouse gas emission profiles, dynamics thereof, and the climate change mitigation efforts of the major players in the global climate change arena, namely the G7 and BRICS countries that are accounting for more than 60% of the world greenhouse gas emissions as in 2017. Given that the energy sector is the major source of the greenhouse emissions in these countries, the framework of sustainable energy development indicators was applied to the comparative analysis. The analysis revealed the differences among the groups of countries in terms of greenhouse gas emission profiles and development trends of these profiles. The convergence of greenhouse gas emission profiles can be noticed between G7 and BRICS countries during 1990e2017 period. Greenhouse gas emissions per capita has decreased in G7 countries and increased in BRICS countries. Energy intensity, economic growth and carbon factor are the main drivers of greenhouse gas emissions per capita growth in both groups of countries. Carbon factor represents carbon intensity of a country’s energy sector and is measured by greenhouse gas emissions per unit of total primary energy supply. The impact of carbon factor was least significant among the main drivers in both groups. Energy intensity was the major driver of decrease in greenhouse gas emissions per capita for both groups, however, the economic growth exceeded the contribution of energy intensity in BRICS countries and greenhouse gas emissions have increased in this group during investigated period. The comparative analysis of greenhouse gas emission profiles development trends and the main drivers of these trends in both groups of countries provides important insights in shaping future climate change mitigation policies and developing greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Due to the high greenhouse gas profiles, low GHG reduction commitments and insufficient climate change mitigation the Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme in India efforts in both groups there is danger of postponing implementation of Paris commitments and achieving the 1.5 target. The policies implemented in high ranked countries, like or Integrated Resources Planning in South Africa or measures under Energy efficiency directive in EU can be applied in low ranked countries by providing the substantial contribution to the country’s climate targets.
The climate change has become an important global issue that is related to energy, economics, environment, and technology. Without taking further actions to reduce the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, global warming is likely to exceed 2 C above the pre-industrialized levels. Such development would have a huge impact on the world’s landscape and sea levels and affect the economic and social development of countries all over the world. Accordingly, it is necessary to identify the paths for GHG emission management in the major emitting countries, which are subjected to the international commitments and national policies. The Group 7 (G7) and BRICS countries account for more than 60% of the world GHG emissions excluding Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) as in 2017. These countries present different GHG emission profiles and trends under the climate change mitigation agenda (Climate Transparency, 2018; Climate Action Tracker, 2018). The G7 is an international group of seven world leading developed countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States). The G7 represents more than 60% of the global net wealth and almost 50% of the global GDP. The five leading emerging economies compose BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). The G7 and BRICS countries (except Russia) have ratified the Paris Agreement, and Trump Administration’s intent to withdraw from the Paris Agreement creates many concerns in other G7 countries and all over the world. Therefore, the climate change policies and the associated decarbonization actions in those countries are particularly important within the transition towards the low-carbon economy.